Isaiah 41:10...So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

A Whole Mess of Crazy People: Chapter 4

Here we go. Moving all of our things, saying goodbye to my dog, leaving it all behind. In a lot of ways, I wasn't that upset about the move. I had really destroyed my reputation here and maybe another clean slate was in order. This time we were headed to fortieth street and Camelback, where my mothers oompa loompa resided, except there was no candy there. For some reason this guy hated kids. I don't know what would compel a man to date a woman with five of them, but to each his own I guess. This new apartment complex was significantly smaller than our previous six bedroom, two story, game room having home. It was seven hundred dollars cheaper but still cost over a thousand dollars to live there. I was baffled at the move. Did we seriously just leave our mansion for this?!? Now, we had four girls in one bedroom and our brother in the living room, my mother had her own room. Things were cramped to say the least.

My mother was dancing again at this point and was gone often. She was either with her boyfriend or at work. I think at some point they broke up, because my mom started dating a guy that lived in the complex also. He was a creeper. Like, breathing over my mother while she slept,  creeper. He was just one of the characters that we met that summer in our new apartment. There were others...

As a fourteen year old girl, your social life is top priority and I took no time at all to start making friends. I made friends with the group of kids that could have definitely been the "cool kids" of the complex. We went swimming every day, we smoked cigarettes, drank whatever we could get our hands on and it was like I jumped right back into the swing of things. I pulled quite a few stunts at this new place. One of the neighbor girls, Nikki, decided streaking would be awesome. We were in the pool one day and she dared me, then I dared her, and you just don't back down from a dare. Well, I did. On the count of three, I chickened out and all I saw were butt cheeks running away from me. I did not live that down easily. In fact, she counter dared me and later that night I had to streak the complex, and Camelback.

The next day, the office ladies were sitting around the pool talking and called me over. My sister and I were on our way to the gym, not to work out but to play, and we sat down with them. They of course began the interrogation of the rumors that someone had seen my naked body running the halls of the complex. My siblings and I had perfected Pig Latin growing up, a secret language, and started figuring out how to lie to these ladies. "Ey-thay ink-thay at-thay I-ay as-way eaking-stray!!" Roughly translated it means, "they think I was streaking". We went on in our conversation and one of the office ladies interrupted us and told us that she also spoke our secret language. Busted. I just denied, denied, denied. When will I ever learn?

Towards the end of this awesome summer of freedom and no rules, we were told to start moving our things. We were being evicted again that day and needed to be out. All of our new friends started helping us move and we had to put our things in storage. My mom came by, gave us some money, her car, and where the storage unit was and took off. For some reason, I don't remember seeing her but once during all of that. She got back with the oompa loompa and we were not allowed in his apartment. We didn't have a place to stay. I think my mom arranged it, or we did, I can't be sure, to stay with one of the neighbors. We had a twenty piece McNugget that day between the five of us. This ladies apartment was disgusting. Like, dog crap all of over the floor along with every piece of clothing that they owned, disgusting. We had to sleep on the floors, and go through all of the crazy drama.

Nikki was one of the daughters of this lady we stayed with. One night, her and her mother got into a tremendous fight. Nikki was pushing her mom and screaming at her. The cops came and had to put a net over her head because she was biting and spitting at them. This chick was crazy. We were all terrified, everyone was crying, and I had no idea how to get us out of this. I finally told our dad what was going on. He took action.

The next day we were on our way to live with him. He took custody of us and now we were going to live with his new wife Lacy, her two kids, and her mother. I wouldn't be there long but, we'll get to that.

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